Filed under Advocacy

Kicking the Habit, We’re Smoke-Free!

Kicking the Habit, We’re Smoke-Free!

Colorado often tops the charts as one of the ‘healthiest places to live’ in the U.S. With thousands of acres of untamed wilderness, miles of biking and hiking trails, and some of the best rapids in the lower 48, the state is a mecca for healthy living and a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. However, there … Continue reading

9 Ways Poverty Hurts Education

9 Ways Poverty Hurts Education

Experiencing poverty isn’t good for a students’ education… this might sound obvious but poverty and education are treated as two entirely separate issues all too often—they’re not. Poverty is a complex issue, but education is an easy way for you to get involved and help your community with this issue. Here are nine reasons why … Continue reading

5 Facts — Who’s Hungry?

5 Facts — Who’s Hungry?

It’s Poverty Awareness Month and you can’t talk about poverty without discussing food. Food insecurity — “a lack of available financial resources for food” (USDA) is a problem throughout the country, but programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), are helping to keep low-income families healthy. More Americans are affected by food insecurity than you … Continue reading

3 Ways Poverty is Treated As a Crime

3 Ways Poverty is Treated As a Crime

It sounds unreal, farfetched, or even crazy — ‘poverty is illegal’ — but it’s happening and has been for far too long in our country. When you look at the frequency at which people are incarcerated because they can’t pay fees for speeding tickets and other small infractions, it’s heartbreaking. There are 2.2 million people … Continue reading

Diversity & Inclusion with Mercy

Diversity & Inclusion with Mercy

Like home, work should be a place where you feel safe and supported to reach your fullest potential. This belief is in the fabric of Mercy Housing’s founding — everyone should feel included no matter their ethnicity, race, gender, or sexual orientation. Jane Graf, Mercy Housing President & CEO is passionate about fostering a sense … Continue reading

No Smile Left Behind

No Smile Left Behind

Getting routine dental exams is one of the best preventative measures you can take to reduce tooth decay and gum disease. For many Americans, however, taking time off work and finding a convenient and affordable dentist can be a challenging roadblock. Without assistance, it’s easy to make other appointments and chores a bigger priority for … Continue reading

The Making of a U.S. Citizen

The Making of a U.S. Citizen

For many families who immigrate to the United States, the road to citizenship can be a long and arduous process. This is the case for many of the residents at Grace Apartments in Denver, Colorado where the population is comprised of refugees and immigrants primarily from Southeast Asia including Bhutan, Nepal, and Burma. The naturalization … Continue reading