Filed under Enterprise Community

Rapid-Response Financing Now Available From CDFIs

Rapid-Response Financing Now Available From CDFIs

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: John Keaten 212.784.5701 WASHINGTON – Affordable housing providers and community facilities can now apply for rapid-response financing. The Fund for Rapid Recovery and Rebuilding helps organizations focus on communities that need support to continue their missions. Three Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs): Enterprise Community Loan Fund (Enterprise), Mercy Loan Fund … Continue reading

Thank You for Volunteering

Thank You for Volunteering

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who volunteered with Mercy Housing Lakefront in 2017.  By sharing your time, talent, and resources with us, you truly enriched the lives of our residents. Listed below are the names of individuals, groups, faith communities, and companies who volunteered in 2017, along with community … Continue reading

Mercy Housing President & CEO, Jane Graf, receives Enterprise Community Partner of the Year Award

San Francisco, California (10/24/14) – Last evening October 23, 2014, Mercy Housing President and CEO, Jane Graf, was honored at the Enterprise Soiree by the Bay in San Francisco, California. This event at San Francisco’s Ferry Building brought together more than 250 guests dedicated to bringing safe, affordable housing to more than 5,000 individuals and … Continue reading